Services at Schokman Pty Ltd
Services at Schokman Pty Ltd
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Our Services

With a large team of skilled Civil Specialist, Telecommunications Technicians and Cable Haulers, Schokman aims to be your one-stop shop for all your telecommunication networks and fibre optics infrastructure needs.

Our Capabilities

Schokman differentiates itself from the competition through its broad understanding, experience and expertise across the telecommunications industry. As a one-stop shop for network construction, fibre optic installations, we make it simple for our clients to achieve their goals. With our experienced project planning team and flexibility, we can take on your unexpected projects at short notice without compromising on excellence or quality.
Our clients include Datateks, Downer Australia, Lend Lease, Quickway Constructions, QC Communications, Skybridge, and Visionstream.

Civil Construction

Pit and Pipe Installation



NDD Methods

Hauling & Cabling



In Building

Fibre Optic

Hard Line

Splicing, Termination & Testing

Loose Tube




Trace Interrogation


Project Management

End-to-End Project Management

Planning & Execution

Works As-executed (WAX)

Cost Control

Over 25 years combined industry experience at all levels

Schokman is ISO accredited for Quality, Environment, Healthy & Safety certification.