Schokman Pty Ltd - Telecommunications Network Experts
Schokman Pty Ltd - Telecommunications Network Experts
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Network Experts

What We Do

Schokman is your high-quality construction partner specialising in the construction and maintenance of telecommunication networks and fibre optics infrastructure.

Network Cabling

Our team of Cable Haulers and Technicians are skilled in all areas of commercial cabling, installations of fibre optic and coaxial cables for underground, aerial and in building.


Our team of experienced Civil Field Technicians are here to help with all your construction requirements, from pit and pipe installation, excavation, trench-less technology and more.

Project Management

Our dedicated team will help to manage your projects from start to finish. When working with us, it is important to know that we value our customers and are committed to delivering projects on time, safely, efficiently and within budget.

Our Team

Our core values and commitments ensure that you’ll notice real differences in the way we work, and the way we work with you.

About Us

Networks & Partners

Schokman has been in the forefront of the fibre optics roll-out in NSW from the beginning of the country-wide National Broadband Network roll-out. We have connected thousands of premises across multiple networks.

More than


Completed Projects

More than


Metres of Hauled Cables

More than


Telecommunications Pits Installed

More than


Metres of Pipes Laid

International Certifications

Schokman is ISO accredited for Quality, Environment, Healthy & Safety certification.

Accredited for the Australian and New Zealand standard for safety management. A framework for establishing safe systems of work to ensure all people are safe at all times in and around the workplace, with better management of health and safety risks, now and into the future.

An internationally recognised standard that has been designed to ensure organisations meet the needs of customers and other stakeholders whilst meeting statutory and regulatory requirements related to the company’s products and services.

Accredited for internationally recognised environmental management certification standards. A framework for better management control with the goal of reducing environmental impact, and higher conformance with environmental legislative and regulatory requirements.